For all card games only use cards Ace - 9
Take out all the Jokers, Tens, Jacks, Queens, and Kings
The Ace equals 1
-Players divide cards evenly between themselves
-Each player turns over two cards and adds them together
-The highest sum gets all the cards In the event of a tie, the cards stay until someone wins them all
-Game continues until one player has collected all of the cards
4 Card Addition Battle:
Each player takes four cards, turns them over and makes two 2-digit numbers and adds those numbers together.
You can put whatever cards you want in the tens place, and the other card in the ones place.
-Players divide cards evenly between themselves
-Each player turns over two cards and subtracts the smaller number from the larger using the smaller card to cover that many dots on the larger card
-The player with the smallest answer wins all four cards In the event of a tie, the cards stay until someone wins the stack
-Game continues until one player has collected all of the cards
4 Card Subtraction Battle
Each player takes four cards, turns them over and makes two 2-digit numbers from the four cards, and subtract the smaller 2-digit number from the largest.
You can put whatever cards you want in the tens place, and the other card in the ones place.
-Each player takes two cards, turns them over and counts the symbols on the smaller number and then the larger one.
-On the largest card, count each symbol by the number of the smaller card (if your smallest card is a three, count by threes (i.e. 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18... until you have counted each symbol on the largest card)
-Say the math in the form of a sentence (i.e. “3 times 6 is eighteen”)
-The player with the largest number gets all the cards
-In the event of a tie, the cards stay until someone wins them all.
he game continues until one player has collected all of the cards.